Cara muda membuat Membuat Selera Okonomiyaki (Japanese pancake, chicken, & vegetables) 鶏肉お好み焼き

Aneka Masakan Enak Asli Indonesia

Okonomiyaki (Japanese pancake, chicken, & vegetables) 鶏肉お好み焼き. Okonomiyaki (literally means 'grilled as you like it') is a savory version of Japanese pancake, made with flour, eggs, shredded cabbage, meat/ protein and topped with a variety of condiments. Better known as 'Japanese pizza' in the US. Okonomiyaki - Japanese savoury pancake containing loads of shredded cabbage topped with egg, meat and bonito flakes.

Okonomiyaki (Japanese pancake, chicken, & vegetables) 鶏肉お好み焼き Okonomiyaki recipe : savory Japanese cabbage pancakes with bacon, served with homemade okonomiyaki sauce and Japanese mayonnaise. Okonomiyaki, translated as "grilled as you like" is a savory Japanese cabbage pancake (or some might call it Japanese pizza) made with lots of. Okonomiyaki - Japanese Cabbage Pancakes: super easy and flavorful, savory Japanese style pancakes using cabbage, eggs, bacon, and flour. Kamu dapat memasak Okonomiyaki (Japanese pancake, chicken, & vegetables) 鶏肉お好み焼き menggunakan 8 bahan dan 10 Langkah. Inilah cara kamu mencapai itu .

Bahan-Bahan Okonomiyaki (Japanese pancake, chicken, & vegetables) 鶏肉お好み焼き

  1. Siapkan 200 g , Terigu ☆ // 200g薄力粉 ☆ // 200g Flour ☆.
  2. Siapkan 200 cc , Air ☆ // 200cc 水 ☆ // 200cc Water ☆.
  3. Siapkan 2 , Telur ☆ // 2個 卵 ☆ // 2 Egg ☆.
  4. Siapkan 8 g , Bumbu Kaldu Dashi Bubuk ☆ // 8g和風顆粒だし☆// 8g Japanese style granules ☆.
  5. Siapkan 5 g , Baking Powder ☆// 5gベーキングパウダー ☆// 5g Baking powder ☆.
  6. Siapkan 3 g , Garam ☆ // 3g塩 ☆ // 3g Salt ☆.
  7. Siapkan 200 g , Kubis // 200gキャベツ // 200g Cabbage.
  8. Siapkan 100 g , Daging Ayam // 100g鶏肉 // 100g Chicken meat.

This Okonomiyaki version is made without 'dashi powder'/seafood stock. You can also find the recipe for Okonomiyaki sauce for topping the. It's a traditional Japanese savoury pancake that is sometimes also called Japanese pizza and is a very popular festival (matsuri) street food in Japan. Once you've got a few Japanese staples in your pantry (all of which have a shelf life of forever), making it at home is cheap, quick, easy, filling, and great for using up leftovers.

Langkah-langkah pembuatan Okonomiyaki (Japanese pancake, chicken, & vegetables) 鶏肉お好み焼き

  1. Saus // ソース // Sauce Perbandingan saus tiram 1: kecap manis 2: saus tomat 3: Saus Worchester 4 オイスターソース1:ケチャップマニス2:トマトケチャップ3:ウスターソース4:の割合でブレンドする。 Blend in the ratio of oyster sauce 1: ketchup manis 2: tomato ketchup 3: Worcester sauce 4:. Mayones // マヨネーズ // Mayonnaise.
  2. Sesuka hati anda // お好みで// As you like Menu ini cocok sekali ditambahkan keju, jagung, sosis, dan kentang チーズ、コーン、ソーセージ、じゃがいもなどもよく合います。 It goes well with cheese, corn, sausages and potatoes..
  3. Taruh semua bahan dengan tanda “☆” di mangkuk, kemudian diamkan dalam kulkas selama beberapa saat, setelah semua bahan dicampur dengan baik ボウルに☆の材料を全て入れ、よく混ざったら冷蔵庫で少し休ませる(10分程度) Put all the ingredients of “☆” in a bowl, and let it rest in the refrigerator for a while if they mix well (about 10 minutes).
  4. Potong kubis tipis-tipis キャベツは細かくみじん切りにする。 Finely chop the cabbage..
  5. Potong ayam kecil-kecil dan goreng dengan 10g kecap manis kemudian dan kesampingkan sebentar 鶏肉は細かく刻んでケチャップマニス10gと一緒に炒めて別に置いておく Finely chop the chicken and fry it with 10 g of ketchup manis and set it aside..
  6. Tambahkan adonan ☆ ke wajan dengan api kecil (besar adonan kira-kira setengahnya wajan berukuran 26cm) 弱火で温めたフライパンに☆を入れる(26㎝のフライパンで半分程度) Put ☆ in a frying pan heated on low heat (about half in a 26 cm frying pan).
  7. Tutup wajan dan masak untuk beberapa saat dengan api kecil フライパンに蓋をして弱火のまましばらく焼く。 Cover the frying pan and bake for a while on low heat..
  8. Balik adonan dengan perlahan ひっくり返して、全体的に軽く押さえる。 Turn it over and hold it lightly..
  9. Ganti api menjadi sedang dan masak tanpa pakai tutup 中火にして蓋をせずにしばらく焼く。 Set to medium heat and bake for a while without covering..
  10. Balik lagi adonannya, apabila sudah berwarna coklat berarti sudah matang 再度ひっくり返して、焼き色が付いていれば出来上がり。 Turn it over again, and if it has a brown color, it's done..

Okonomi means "how you want it," and an okonomiyaki is one of the world's most infinitely adaptable dishes. This traditional savory Japanese pancake (Okonomiyaki) is filled with cabbage and topped with sliced pork and amazing sauces! Filled with cabbage and topped with pork slices, these Japanese Pancakes (Okonomiyaki) make a quick and filling dinner. Okonomiyaki is a savory Japanese pancake. There are two main types of okonomiyaki.